Payment for Suboxone Treatment In NYC
Payment for Suboxone Treatment
Many individuals worry about the cost of medications and treatment during their withdrawal from substance use and through any treatment programs they access We understand and know that this can be an expensive and stressful time.
Fortunately, there are many insurance programs that do cover the cost of Suboxone treatment for those working toward substance abuse recovery.
What is the cost of Suboxone?
Generally a good guess of how much Suboxone will cost is that it is approximtely 1$ per milligram. When individuals are taking up to 24mg per day that can mean hundreds and hundreds of dollars per month. Many individuals who have substance use disorders are living uninsured, homeless, and without work. They cannot afford the cost of suboxone. Insurance coverage for this drug is necessary because it reduces deaths from overdose and promotes healthy recovery. Prior authorization is likely necessary for any insurance program to pay for the cost.Publicly funded insurance programs There are state-funded ways to access Suboxone. It can be covered under Medicare if Medicare deems the use of it medically necessary.
This is typically provided via inpatient hospitalization for substance abuse as well as an emergency treatment plan. This is provided at Medicare-licensed facilities for Medicare to pay. Medicaid will also cover some of the cost of Suboxone.
Medicaid, like Medicare, may also need to deem the medication medically necessary. To identify if the medication is covered, you should work with your local Medicare certified consultant or Medicaid office.
Private health insurance programs There are also privately funded insurance programs that cover the prescription of Suboxone treatments.
There is often a co-pay associated and the medication must be deemed medically necessary as well as be on the plan’s approved medication list.
Some of the private insurance programs that cover Suboxone treatments include Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Humana, Cigna, and UnitedHealthcare.
You should work with your insurance agency to see if the medication is covered through your insurance.
Cost should not be a reason that an individual is unable to access appropriate medical treatments. Suboxone treatment is so often necessary for individuals to safely withdraw from opioid use as well as navigate the first few weeks and months without their drug of choice.
Because this is a very sensitive time, having professionals and the drug available while accessing counseling and behavioral treatment truly saves lives.
Financial constraints are so often the reasons that people cannot create better, safer, and healthier lives.
If this was not a barrier, our communities would be much better off because drug use would be less rampant and its impacts would be more controlled.
Why choose us
We are a group of trained professionals with many years experience in the medical field. Our Medical Doctor in onsite to provide medical services, including diagnosis, prescriptions, medication management, treatment planning and more.
Accessing transportation can be difficult and costly. We do not have to see you in person for every visit. We can conduct many different services and appointments by telehealth in the comfort of your home.
We accept your private insurance as well as your Medicare and Medicaid insurances and bill all services through your insurance. We work diligently at ensuring care is affordable and accessible.
We are excited about meeting new patients and families. We want to learn about your unique lives and challenges and reduce any burdens that medical and mental health struggles can have. A healthy body and mind means deriving more joy from life.
Talk Therapy NY 16 Summer place, Brooklyn, NY 11206
(888) 925-8070