Major Depressive Disorder Treatment In NYC
Major Depressive Disorder
Everyone experiences occasional sadness, frustrations, and feelings of self-doubt. These are human experiences that we can all relate to. Experiencing clinical depression goes beyond the occasional experience of sadness to be a state that persists for long periods of time. Major depression goes even beyond this.
If you have noticed yourself feeling sad, hopeless, having a loss of interest in life’s activities, or having angry outbursts and these feelings have gone on you may be experiencing Major Depression. This is a form of severe and persistent depression. There are many signs and symptoms but they are experienced in a way that makes general functioning difficult.
For example, the inability to leave bed or perform hygiene tasks. Suicidal ideation and even attempts can be a very difficult experience for those with this disorder. If you are experiencing this you know how painful it can be. We want to reduce that level of pain for you. The most profound thing you can do for yourself during this time is to reach out for support.
Talk Therapy NY is ready and available to walk you through this time so that you come out with skills to use in the event you feel this again. We will work with you in a safe way so that you can explore what may have prompted this depression, if anything, and navigate through those challenges.
We also have Medical Doctors on staff who can help support you by prescribing and managing your medication so that you are accessing services that wrap around you. In the event that your depression becomes too severe, we can help coordinate inpatient residential treatment for you and act in a case management role until you discharge. Whatever you need, we can be there.

Why choose us
We are trained
We are a group of trained professionals with many years experience in the medical field. Our Medical Doctor in onsite to provide medical services, including diagnosis, prescriptions, medication management, treatment planning and more.
We are available by Telehealth
Accessing transportation can be difficult and costly. We do not have to see you in person for every visit. We can conduct many different services and appointments by telehealth in the comfort of your home.
We accept your insurance
We accept your private insurance as well as your Medicare and Medicaid insurances and bill all services through your insurance. We work diligently at ensuring care is affordable and accessible.
We want to work with you
We are excited about meeting new patients and families. We want to learn about your unique lives and challenges and reduce any burdens that medical and mental health struggles can have. A healthy body and mind means deriving more joy from life.

Talk Therapy NY 16 Summer place, Brooklyn, NY 11206

(888) 925-8070